Thursday 30 July 2015

E-mail for collecting money

Dear all,

We had a very nice dinner yesterday. Hope you all enjoy it.

I calculated the bill today. Each of us should pay $23.7 for the dinner. I paid the bill yesterday, so you can transfer the money to me by interac e-transfer.

Interac e-Transfer is a simply way to send and receive money. All you need is access to online or a mobile banking account. And you can money to anyone with an e-mail address and bank account in Canada. Simply long into your online bank, choose interac e-transfer, select the recipients' email address and amount and a security question and answer and hit send, and they'll be notified n minutes. So whether you need to pay back a friend, send money to your personal trainer, or your contractor, interac e-transfer is a smart and secure way to send your own money from just about anywhere.

Thank you and wish you have a nice day!

Tuesday 28 July 2015

E-portfolio process for depositing a cheque

 list of instructions in a poster for newcomers who have never e-deposited a cheque before

To e-deposit a cheque, we need download an App from the bank which we have an account.
Sign into the Bank App and select the icon of "Deposit Cheque".


According to the instruction of the APP, take a picture of the front and back cheque.


Then select the account we would like to deposit the cheque into.


Input the amount of the fund, select "Deposit Now" to finish the process.


We have to hold the cheque for 5 business day before destroying it to allow it clear.

Monday 27 July 2015

Monday's Assignment

  1. List the 5 options on this menu.

for balances, due payment and other day to day banking, press 1
to open a bank account, reorder checks or stop payment, press 2
to apply for or payment information of CIBC credit card, mortgage or loan, press 3
dealing bank or payment information on GIC, RRSP or tax free saving account, press 4
or exchange rate or our locations of CIBC branches and bank machines, press 5
to speak with financial services representatives who can drive you on your financial needs press 0
to repeat these options press #  

Friday 24 July 2015

Report on the ROM field trip

  1. Who went and why;
  2. What you did/saw there; esp. the aboriginal exhibits;
  3. How you feel about Canadian history

Last Friday, 17 July 2015, we went to ROM with our teacher and LINC classmates. This is the field trip hold by the LINC teacher for the students to know more about Canada and the city we are living in.

We gathered at the gate of ROM and got the tickets from our teacher. Then we entered the building. The exhibitions are so attractive. We went to the hall of aboriginal exhibits. I could understand more about those exhibits because we had studied some words aboriginal used and some their customs in the LINC class before this trip.

From ROM's exhibition I can see that Canada is a country has all cultures of the Europe, American, Asia and Aboriginal combined. All the people come from the world living in this peace land, studying each other, tolerance each other and building a dream country.

Thursday 16 July 2015


Answer for homework of  Ebooks
Page 6:
Is it a or b
1, a
2, b
3, b
4, a
5, b
6, b

1, Alberta
2, British Columbia
3, Manitoba
4, New Brunswick
5, Newfoundland and Labrador
6, Nova Scotia
7, Ontario
8, Prince Edward Island
9, Quebec
10, Saskatchewan

1, Northwest Territories
2, Nunavut

Page 8:
1, moose
2, beaver
3, mice
4, birds
5, sheep
6, tigers
7, goose
8, foxes
9, deer

Page 10:
2, c--dreamcatchers
3, b--moccasions
4, a--basket

Friday 10 July 2015

What My Kid Is Complaining

My big boy is 12 years old already, so I starting to change my face from smiling to a tiger one. His programs are changing also along with my face's changing.

The hokey program has been changed to Math. The swimming program is going to be changed to French. But has been refused by the boy. He complained, Mom, I am too busy. I don't agree, really? It's just change, there is no addition. They will take you same time."

Every mother would like their children to have a bright future, right? So we have to push them to prepare from 12 years old, right?

My older boy is 12 years old already, so I am starting to change my face from smiling to a tiger one. His programs are changing also along with my face.

The hockey program has been changed to Math. The swimming program is going to be replaced with French, but he is protecting it. He complained:" Mom, I am too busy." I don't agree. "Really? It's just a change, there is no addition. They will take you the same time."

Every mother would like their children to have a bright future, right? So we have to push them to prepare for success from 12 years old, right?