Tuesday 12 April 2016

Thursday's Field Trip

  1. What are three rules of etiquette at any concert?
  2. What instrument or performance would you expect to see at the concert?
  3. What time does the concert begin?
  4. Who's the performer?
  5. What do you hope to take away from the free concert?
  6. Who's leaving from Don Mills Station on Thursday, and at what time?
  7. Which of the other places on the itinerary interests you, and why?
  8. What's the weather going to be like on Thursday?
  9. What would you advice your classmates to bring on Thursday?
  10. Who's your lunch partner on Thursday?

1, the rules should be: a, dress formally; b, be quiet; c, applaud until the whole chapter is finished
2, violin and cello
3, On Tuesday, April 12 at 12 p.m.
4, Virtuoso Kara Huber
5, happiness
6, Ling Li is going from Don Mills station on Thursday at 9:30am.
7, Path Underground city, Nathan Phillips Square and Osgoode Hall on the itinerary interest me becasue I have never heard and been there before.
8, Thursday will be a sunny day and the highest temperature will be 7 Celsius
9, I would like to advice my classmates to bring some water and cash for lunch
10, I will have lunch with Ling and Tina

Monday 4 April 2016