Friday 24 July 2015

Report on the ROM field trip

  1. Who went and why;
  2. What you did/saw there; esp. the aboriginal exhibits;
  3. How you feel about Canadian history

Last Friday, 17 July 2015, we went to ROM with our teacher and LINC classmates. This is the field trip hold by the LINC teacher for the students to know more about Canada and the city we are living in.

We gathered at the gate of ROM and got the tickets from our teacher. Then we entered the building. The exhibitions are so attractive. We went to the hall of aboriginal exhibits. I could understand more about those exhibits because we had studied some words aboriginal used and some their customs in the LINC class before this trip.

From ROM's exhibition I can see that Canada is a country has all cultures of the Europe, American, Asia and Aboriginal combined. All the people come from the world living in this peace land, studying each other, tolerance each other and building a dream country.