Friday 10 July 2015

What My Kid Is Complaining

My big boy is 12 years old already, so I starting to change my face from smiling to a tiger one. His programs are changing also along with my face's changing.

The hokey program has been changed to Math. The swimming program is going to be changed to French. But has been refused by the boy. He complained, Mom, I am too busy. I don't agree, really? It's just change, there is no addition. They will take you same time."

Every mother would like their children to have a bright future, right? So we have to push them to prepare from 12 years old, right?

My older boy is 12 years old already, so I am starting to change my face from smiling to a tiger one. His programs are changing also along with my face.

The hockey program has been changed to Math. The swimming program is going to be replaced with French, but he is protecting it. He complained:" Mom, I am too busy." I don't agree. "Really? It's just a change, there is no addition. They will take you the same time."

Every mother would like their children to have a bright future, right? So we have to push them to prepare for success from 12 years old, right?

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